Maintenance Builders Supply
- Both the Maintenance and the Shops, Stores and Warehouse buildings are complete and occupied.
- Demolition of the 1925 building is complete.
- Over the next several months, the parking areas, sidewalks, and landscaping, complete with stormwater management systems, will be completed.
- The construction of the vehicle storage structure is beginning this month.
- The project is expected to be complete by Spring 2016.
Project Background
Water from the Bull Run watershed is delivered to the taps of more than 900, 000 Oregonian's through a complex system of reservoirs, tanks, pipes, pumps and valves. The critical work of maintaining Portland's 225-square-mile water supply system is based from the Water Bureau's Interstate Maintenance Facility, located near the Rose Quarter on N. Interstate Avenue.
This 11-acre facility accommodates approximately 240 employees and includes a water control center, water quality laboratory, material storage area, vehicle parking, and administrative offices. Construction and maintenance field personnel and associated heavy construction equipment are also supported and staged from this facility.
The facility currently consists of two buildings - one built in 1925, the other in 1992 - as well as a recently renovated Meter Shop and several construction-grade modular buildings that serve as additional office space.
The building that houses the largest percentage of these activities, the Maintenance Building, is also the oldest structure. Built in 1925, it was once the main garage that sheltered the equipment and vehicles. Over the years it has been retrofitted as an office building. This building was not built to modern safety standards and was not constructed with the quality of materials that are available today. In 2005 the building was assessed for code compliance for: seismic and fire protection/prevention, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and environmental remediation of site properties. As a result of this assessment and a robust cost/benefit analysis, it was determined that it would not be economically feasible to rehabilitate this building.
The Maintenance Building will be replaced with a new highly efficient facility to meet the Water Bureau’s current Operation and Maintenance programs. Incorporating the most current energy design criteria, it will be substantially more economical to operate. The new buildings and campus will be designed and constructed to obtain a LEED Gold certification. The project has been designed to proceed in phases to ensure that there will be no interruptions in service delivery throughout the project duration.
Phase 1: 2012-2014
The first phase is being conducted in 2012-2014. This phase includes the construction of a new 28, 000-square-foot building, which will provide space for staff offices and public meeting areas; craft workshops; materials and warehouse supplies storage area; and loading dock. The building will be constructed along N.Tillamook Avenue.
Phase 2: 2014-2016
Phase 2 will consist of the construction of a 38, 000-square-foot building that will provide office space, and conference and training facilities.
The office building will have a green roof, and the exterior façade of the new buildings is being designed to blend in with the architecture of adjacent businesses. The primary material will be locally manufactured brick and metal panels that will match the appearance of the existing 1992 Operations Building.
Hoffman Construction Company is the prime contractor on the project.
The total budget for the project is approximately $50 million dollars. The construction contract is approximately $35 million.

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